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Greg Sadler

Gregory Sadler is an educator, author, speaker, philosophical counselor and an educational entrepreneur.  In his popular YouTube channels, he also produces and provides video lectures on philosophical thinkers, texts, and topics. 


His guiding passion is putting philosophy into practice, through making ideas from classical and contemporary philosophers accessible, so that they become useful for reflection, action, decision-making, and transformation.

Many dimensions of modern life today suffer under what seems like a perpetual process of speeding-up, with emphases placed on leveraging and efficiency, and produce as results stress, irritability, anxiety, isolation, and even a kind of thoughtlessness. This becomes ever more evident in careers and the workplace, technology and innovation, education and training, consumption and entertainment, even home life and personal relationships. 


Slowing down in selective, smart, and simple ways requires that one devote some thought to how and why to do so, and philosophy provides us with valuable resources, perspectives, and practices for doing so.


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